Logistic Regressions Assumption

I have worked through this notebook created by Kenneth Leung and updated and corrected certain code parts and he merged my pull request into his Original.

Original Source: Kenneth Leung’s github repo

Logistic Regression Assumptions


Initial Setup

Assumption 1 - Appropriate outcome type

Assumption 2 - Linearity of independent variables and log odds

Assumption 3 - No strongly influential outliers

Assumption 4 - Absence of multicollinearity

Assumption 5 - Independence of observations

Assumption 6 - Sufficiently large sample size

Initial Setup

# Import dependencies
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import math
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression

import statsmodels.api as sm
from statsmodels.genmod.generalized_linear_model import GLM
from statsmodels.genmod import families
from statsmodels.stats.outliers_influence import variance_inflation_factor

Basic pre-processing

# Import Titanic dataset (train.csv)
df_raw = pd.read_csv('data/train.csv')

# Create categorical variable for traveling alone
df_raw['TravelAlone'] = np.where((df_raw["SibSp"] + df_raw["Parch"])>0, 0, 1).astype('uint8')
df_raw.drop('SibSp', axis=1, inplace=True)
df_raw.drop('Parch', axis=1, inplace=True)
df_raw.drop('PassengerId', axis=1, inplace=True)
df_raw.drop('Name', axis=1, inplace=True)
df_raw.drop('Ticket', axis=1, inplace=True)
df_raw.drop('Cabin', axis=1, inplace=True)
# df_raw.drop('Fare', axis=1, inplace=True)

# Create categorical variables and drop some variables
df_titanic = pd.get_dummies(df_raw, columns=["Pclass","Embarked","Sex"], 
                         drop_first=True) # Remove first variable to prevent collinearity

# Fill NaN (median imputation)
df_titanic["Age"].fillna(df_titanic["Age"].median(skipna=True), inplace=True)

Survived Age Fare TravelAlone Pclass_2 Pclass_3 Embarked_Q Embarked_S Sex_male
0 0 22.0 7.2500 0 0 1 0 1 1
1 1 38.0 71.2833 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 1 26.0 7.9250 1 0 1 0 1 0
3 1 35.0 53.1000 0 0 0 0 1 0
4 0 35.0 8.0500 1 0 1 0 1 1
# Define dependent and independent variables
X_cols = df_titanic.columns.to_list()[1:]
X = df_titanic[X_cols]
y = df_titanic['Survived']

# Add constant
X = sm.add_constant(X, prepend=False)

Assumption 1 - Appropriate outcome type

0    549
1    342
Name: Survived, dtype: int64

Assumption 2 - Linearity of independent variables and log odds

Box-Tidwell Test

# Box Tidwell only works for positive values. Hence, drop values where x = 0
df_titanic_2 = df_titanic.drop(df_titanic[df_titanic.Age == 0].index)
df_titanic_2 = df_titanic_2.drop(df_titanic[df_titanic.Fare == 0].index)

# Export processed df_titanic for separate R notebook: `Box-Tidwell-Test-in-R.ipynb`
# df_titanic_2.to_csv('data/train_processed.csv', index=False)
Survived Age Fare TravelAlone Pclass_2 Pclass_3 Embarked_Q Embarked_S Sex_male
0 0 22.0 7.2500 0 0 1 0 1 1
1 1 38.0 71.2833 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 1 26.0 7.9250 1 0 1 0 1 0
3 1 35.0 53.1000 0 0 0 0 1 0
4 0 35.0 8.0500 1 0 1 0 1 1
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
886 0 27.0 13.0000 1 1 0 0 1 1
887 1 19.0 30.0000 1 0 0 0 1 0
888 0 28.0 23.4500 0 0 1 0 1 0
889 1 26.0 30.0000 1 0 0 0 0 1
890 0 32.0 7.7500 1 0 1 1 0 1

876 rows × 9 columns

Logistic Regression with statsmodel - Inclusion of interaction term (logit transform) as part of Box-Tidwell test

df_titanic_lt = df_titanic_2.copy()

# Define continuous variables
continuous_var = ['Age', 'Fare']

# Add logit transform interaction terms (natural log) for continuous variables e.g. Age * Log(Age)
for var in continuous_var:
    df_titanic_lt[f'{var}:Log_{var}'] = df_titanic_lt[var].apply(lambda x: x * np.log(x)) #np.log = natural log

Survived Age Fare TravelAlone Pclass_2 Pclass_3 Embarked_Q Embarked_S Sex_male Age:Log_Age Fare:Log_Fare
0 0 22.0 7.2500 0 0 1 0 1 1 68.002934 14.362261
1 1 38.0 71.2833 0 0 0 0 0 0 138.228274 304.141753
2 1 26.0 7.9250 1 0 1 0 1 0 84.710510 16.404927
3 1 35.0 53.1000 0 0 0 0 1 0 124.437182 210.922595
4 0 35.0 8.0500 1 0 1 0 1 1 124.437182 16.789660
# Keep columns related to continuous variables
cols_to_keep = continuous_var + df_titanic_lt.columns.tolist()[-len(continuous_var):]
['Age', 'Fare', 'Age:Log_Age', 'Fare:Log_Fare']
# Redefine independent variables to include interaction terms
X_lt = df_titanic_lt[cols_to_keep]
y_lt = df_titanic_lt['Survived']

# Add constant
X_lt = sm.add_constant(X_lt, prepend=False)
# Build model and fit the data (using statsmodel's Logit)
logit_results = GLM(y_lt, X_lt, family=families.Binomial()).fit()

# Display summary results
                 Generalized Linear Model Regression Results                  
Dep. Variable:               Survived   No. Observations:                  876
Model:                            GLM   Df Residuals:                      871
Model Family:                Binomial   Df Model:                            4
Link Function:                  logit   Scale:                          1.0000
Method:                          IRLS   Log-Likelihood:                -536.19
Date:                Fri, 03 Dec 2021   Deviance:                       1072.4
Time:                        12:09:01   Pearson chi2:                     881.
No. Iterations:                     4   Pseudo R-squ. (CS):             0.1065
Covariance Type:            nonrobust                                         
                    coef    std err          z      P>|z|      [0.025      0.975]
Age              -0.1123      0.058     -1.948      0.051      -0.225       0.001
Fare              0.0785      0.013      6.057      0.000       0.053       0.104
Age:Log_Age       0.0218      0.013      1.640      0.101      -0.004       0.048
Fare:Log_Fare    -0.0119      0.002     -5.251      0.000      -0.016      -0.007
const            -0.3764      0.402     -0.937      0.349      -1.164       0.411

Visual Check

# Re-run logistic regression on original set of X and y variables
logit_results = GLM(y, X, family=families.Binomial()).fit()
predicted = logit_results.predict(X)

# Get log odds values
log_odds = np.log(predicted / (1 - predicted))

# Visualize predictor continuous variable vs logit values (Age)
plt.scatter(x = df_titanic['Age'].values, y = log_odds);


Confirming that there is logit linearity for the Age variable (Recall earlier that p value for Age:Log Age is 0.101)

# Visualize predictor variable vs logit values for Fare
plt.scatter(x = df_titanic['Fare'].values, y = log_odds);


Confirming that there is logit NON-linearity for the Fare variable (Recall earlier that p value for Fare:Log Fare is <0.001)

Assumption 3 - No strongly influential outliers

# Use GLM method for logreg here so that we can retrieve the influence measures
logit_model = GLM(y, X, family=families.Binomial())
logit_results = logit_model.fit()
                 Generalized Linear Model Regression Results                  
Dep. Variable:               Survived   No. Observations:                  891
Model:                            GLM   Df Residuals:                      882
Model Family:                Binomial   Df Model:                            8
Link Function:                  logit   Scale:                          1.0000
Method:                          IRLS   Log-Likelihood:                -398.95
Date:                Fri, 03 Dec 2021   Deviance:                       797.91
Time:                        12:09:02   Pearson chi2:                     933.
No. Iterations:                     5   Pseudo R-squ. (CS):             0.3536
Covariance Type:            nonrobust                                         
                  coef    std err          z      P>|z|      [0.025      0.975]
Age            -0.0333      0.008     -4.397      0.000      -0.048      -0.018
Fare            0.0004      0.002      0.164      0.870      -0.004       0.005
TravelAlone     0.0695      0.196      0.354      0.723      -0.315       0.454
Pclass_2       -0.9406      0.291     -3.236      0.001      -1.510      -0.371
Pclass_3       -2.2737      0.289     -7.870      0.000      -2.840      -1.707
Embarked_Q     -0.0337      0.373     -0.091      0.928      -0.764       0.697
Embarked_S     -0.5540      0.235     -2.353      0.019      -1.015      -0.093
Sex_male       -2.5918      0.196    -13.206      0.000      -2.977      -2.207
const           3.7977      0.456      8.326      0.000       2.904       4.692
from scipy import stats

# Get influence measures
influence = logit_results.get_influence()

# Obtain summary df of influence measures
summ_df = influence.summary_frame()

# Filter summary df to Cook distance
diagnosis_df = summ_df.loc[:,['cooks_d']]

# Append absolute standardized residual values
diagnosis_df['std_resid'] = stats.zscore(logit_results.resid_pearson)
diagnosis_df['std_resid'] = diagnosis_df.loc[:,'std_resid'].apply(lambda x: np.abs(x))

# Sort by Cook's Distance
diagnosis_df.sort_values("cooks_d", ascending=False)
cooks_d std_resid
0 0.000041 0.330871
1 0.000046 0.243040
2 0.001006 0.866265
3 0.000091 0.313547
4 0.000017 0.280754
... ... ...
886 0.000292 0.589428
887 0.000049 0.225427
888 0.001102 1.029623
889 0.001417 0.763489
890 0.000133 0.372182

891 rows × 2 columns

# Set Cook's distance threshold
cook_threshold = 4 / len(df_titanic)
print(f"Threshold for Cook Distance = {cook_threshold}")
Threshold for Cook Distance = 0.004489337822671156
# Plot influence measures (Cook's distance)
fig = influence.plot_index(y_var="cooks", threshold=cook_threshold)
plt.axhline(y = cook_threshold, ls="--", color='red')


# Find number of observations that exceed Cook's distance threshold
outliers = diagnosis_df[diagnosis_df['cooks_d'] > cook_threshold]
prop_outliers = round(100*(len(outliers) / len(df_titanic)),1)
print(f'Proportion of data points that are highly influential = {prop_outliers}%')
Proportion of data points that are highly influential = 6.1%
# Find number of observations which are BOTH outlier (std dev > 3) and highly influential
extreme = diagnosis_df[(diagnosis_df['cooks_d'] > cook_threshold) & 
                       (diagnosis_df['std_resid'] > 3)]
prop_extreme = round(100*(len(extreme) / len(df_titanic)),1)
print(f'Proportion of highly influential outliers = {prop_extreme}%')
Proportion of highly influential outliers = 1.3%
# Display top 5 most influential outliers
extreme.sort_values("cooks_d", ascending=False).head()
cooks_d std_resid
297 0.015636 4.951289
570 0.009277 3.030644
498 0.008687 3.384369
338 0.005917 4.461842
414 0.005666 4.387731
# Deep dive into index 297 (extreme outlier)
Survived         0.00
Age              2.00
Fare           151.55
TravelAlone      0.00
Pclass_2         0.00
Pclass_3         0.00
Embarked_Q       0.00
Embarked_S       1.00
Sex_male         0.00
Name: 297, dtype: float64

Assumption 4 - Absence of multicollinearity

corrMatrix = df_titanic.corr()
plt.subplots(figsize=(9, 5))
sns.heatmap(corrMatrix, annot=True, cmap="RdYlGn")


Variance Inflation Factor (VIF)

# Use variance inflation factor to identify any significant multi-collinearity
def calc_vif(df):
    vif = pd.DataFrame()
    vif["variables"] = df.columns
    vif["VIF"] = [variance_inflation_factor(df.values, i) for i in range(df.shape[1])]

variables VIF
0 Survived 1.944148
1 Age 5.005814
2 Fare 1.793238
3 TravelAlone 3.030957
4 Pclass_2 1.968630
5 Pclass_3 3.524367
6 Embarked_Q 1.591633
7 Embarked_S 4.795192
8 Sex_male 3.708845
# Avoid dropping first variables upon get_dummies
df_test = pd.get_dummies(df_raw, columns=["Pclass","Embarked","Sex"], 
df_test.drop('Sex_female', axis=1, inplace=True)
df_test["Age"].fillna(df_test["Age"].median(skipna=True), inplace=True)
variables VIF
0 Survived 1.636129
1 Age 1.247705
2 Fare 1.690089
3 TravelAlone 1.223353
4 Pclass_1 117.152079
5 Pclass_2 99.102382
6 Pclass_3 260.025558
7 Embarked_C 69.936806
8 Embarked_Q 36.792002
9 Embarked_S 91.326578
10 Sex_male 1.539417

Assumption 5 - Independence of observations

# Setup logistic regression model (using GLM method so that we can retrieve residuals)
logit_model = GLM(y, X, family=families.Binomial())
logit_results = logit_model.fit()
                 Generalized Linear Model Regression Results                  
Dep. Variable:               Survived   No. Observations:                  891
Model:                            GLM   Df Residuals:                      882
Model Family:                Binomial   Df Model:                            8
Link Function:                  logit   Scale:                          1.0000
Method:                          IRLS   Log-Likelihood:                -398.95
Date:                Fri, 03 Dec 2021   Deviance:                       797.91
Time:                        12:09:03   Pearson chi2:                     933.
No. Iterations:                     5   Pseudo R-squ. (CS):             0.3536
Covariance Type:            nonrobust                                         
                  coef    std err          z      P>|z|      [0.025      0.975]
Age            -0.0333      0.008     -4.397      0.000      -0.048      -0.018
Fare            0.0004      0.002      0.164      0.870      -0.004       0.005
TravelAlone     0.0695      0.196      0.354      0.723      -0.315       0.454
Pclass_2       -0.9406      0.291     -3.236      0.001      -1.510      -0.371
Pclass_3       -2.2737      0.289     -7.870      0.000      -2.840      -1.707
Embarked_Q     -0.0337      0.373     -0.091      0.928      -0.764       0.697
Embarked_S     -0.5540      0.235     -2.353      0.019      -1.015      -0.093
Sex_male       -2.5918      0.196    -13.206      0.000      -2.977      -2.207
const           3.7977      0.456      8.326      0.000       2.904       4.692

Check residuals series

# Generate residual series plot
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,5))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, title="Residual Series Plot",
    xlabel="Index Number", ylabel="Deviance Residuals")

# ax.plot(df_titanic_2.index.tolist(), stats.zscore(logit_results.resid_pearson))
ax.plot(df_titanic.index.tolist(), stats.zscore(logit_results.resid_deviance))
plt.axhline(y = 0, ls="--", color='red');


Further investigation on residual dependence plots (Optional)

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
ax = fig.add_subplot(
    title="Residual Dependence Plot",
    xlabel="Fitted Values",
    ylabel="Pearson Residuals",
# ax.scatter(logit_results.mu, stats.zscore(logit_results.resid_pearson))
ax.scatter(logit_results.mu, stats.zscore(logit_results.resid_deviance))
ax.plot([0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 0.0], "k-");


Add a Locally Weighted Scatterplot Smoothing (LOWESS) line to better visualize independence

# Setup LOWESS function
lowess = sm.nonparametric.lowess

# Get y-values from LOWESS (set return_sorted=False)
y_hat_lowess = lowess(logit_results.resid_pearson, logit_results.mu, 
                      return_sorted = False,

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111,
    title="Residual Dependence Plot",
    xlabel="Fitted Values",
    ylabel="Pearson Residuals",
# ax.scatter(logit_results.mu, stats.zscore(logit_results.resid_pearson))
ax.scatter(logit_results.mu, stats.zscore(logit_results.resid_deviance))
ax.scatter(logit_results.mu, y_hat_lowess)
ax.plot([0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 0.0], "k-");


Assumption 6 - Sufficiently large sample size

# Find total number of observations
# Get value counts for independent variables (mainly focus on categorical)
for col in df_titanic.columns.to_list()[1:]:
    if df_titanic.dtypes[col] == 'uint8': # Keep categorical variables only
1    537
0    354
Name: TravelAlone, dtype: int64
0    707
1    184
Name: Pclass_2, dtype: int64
1    491
0    400
Name: Pclass_3, dtype: int64
0    814
1     77
Name: Embarked_Q, dtype: int64
1    644
0    247
Name: Embarked_S, dtype: int64
1    577
0    314
Name: Sex_male, dtype: int64